BDS department works with different group of clients. From private sector to public and international development organizations, Accord Worldwide serves each client with a tailor made inclusive package of service. The unique point in training and BDS services of Accord Worldwide is the fact of a rich experience that encompasses mix of public and private approaches.

The expertise of Accord Worldwide with proper training management tools ensures  a need based practical learning followed by post-training mentoring and support where trainees implement the knowledge into practice.

Besides the senior executive and managers, the firm also serves fresh graduates through internship programs, basic management and relevant leadership programs. Such programs have helped jobless graduates of schools and universities to get jobs.

We believe in training as the primary factor for change and performance improvement. Our tailor-made training for corporate costumers provides the opportunity to bring about the expected positive change in their teams. Besides open courses for individual or small groups of professionals, we offer in-house training to corporate costumers on a tailor-made basis programs. In order to achieve the learning objectives, we start with a Training Needs Assessment that can be small scale survey of target participants’ learning needs. Highly reputable trainers and reference material determines the quality ensured by our standard training management system.

A variety of training methods are used by our trainers who consider that adults or older students come to the learning experience with a vast amount of previous knowledge and experience. The learner should be allowed to be self-directed and participatory approaches that build up on the previous experience of the participant should be used. The implication of adult learning used in this project will be the following:

  • Participants should be respected for their previous experiences.
  • A spirit of mutual cooperation should exist between the trainer and participants.
  • The trainer should assist participants to self-diagnose their learning needs.
  • The instructor is a guide who helps participants learn, rather than the trainer in charge of knowledge – emphasis will be made on learning as an active process.
  • Both trainer and participants evaluate a course academic progress.

Besides the trainer each training is visited by the Training and BDS supervisors to supervise trainer’s performance, learning activities, venue arrangement and all other aspects of the training. Monitoring also includes reviews of the participants’ active participation in the overall learning experience. Participants are asked to evaluate the teaching methodology, training contents and other facets of the training program. Their comments will be considered for further improvements of training programs.